Here i am sitting all alone
No one besides me whome i have ever known
The depression all around has eclipsed all of my soul
It is inside everything which makes me whole
Whatever i say whatever i do
there is a flood of tears which come in all of my expressions
The roots are even deepened and more and more depression
May be the person for whome i cry my eyes out
Will never understand it and I will never get my way out
People tell me "stop doing that to yourself,look at you"
But whenever i see the mirror, standing besides me is YOU.
I know I know ... its foolish to think that way
But whats the reason to live if u dont see love in your doorway
Time and again i keep on saying this to me
"Dont worry ... just let it be
Good times will come again soon
Because i know, there is God watching upon"
I keep consoling myself that everything will be all right
But everytime i fight with myself I just Lose the fight
I have the questions and know where the answers lie
Still i don't muster the courage to look in the pile
I am sitting alone and I just cry and cry
Hoping that one day God will come by
He may see that i am totally lost and gone wild
But Oh My Lord!!! please save me,I am thy child
By Ankur Gupta